Subject Details
Dept     : IT
Sem      : 5
Regul    : 2019
Faculty : Ms M Poornima Devi
phone  : 7397164031
E-mail  :
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  • Youtube Video

    Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>AJAX: Ajax Client Server Architecture-XML Http Request Object-Call Back Methods</br>Web Services: JAX-RPC-Concepts-Writing a Java Web Service</br>Writing a Java Web Service Client-Describing Web Services:</br>WSDL- Representing Data Types: XML Schema-Communicating Object Data</br>: SOAP Related Technologies-Software Installation-Storing Java Objects as Files</br>SOAP Related Technologies-Software Installation-Storing Java Objects as Files</br>Fundamentals of Java-Objects

  • Question Bank

    Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>UNIT 1, </br>UNIT 1

  • Resource Link

    Dear Students the Resource Link has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Fundamentals of Java-Objects FUNCTIONS</br>AJAX: Ajax Client Server Architecture-XML Http Request Object-Call Back Methods.</br>Web Services: JAX-RPC-Concepts-Writing a Java Web Service</br>Writing a Java Web Service Client-Describing Web Services:</br>WSDL- Representing Data Types: XML Schema-Communicating Object Data</br>SOAP Related Technologies-Software Installation-Storing Java Objects as Files

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Separating Programming and Presentation: JSP Technology Introduction -JSP and Servlets-Running, </br>JSP Applications Basic JSP-JavaBeans , Classes and JSP-Tag Libraries and Files-, </br>Support for the Model Databases and JSP, Representing Web Data: XML-Documents and Vocabularies-, </br>Versions and Declaration-Namespaces-Selecting XML Data, </br>XPATH-Template based Transformations, </br>XSLT- Displaying XML Documents in Browsers., </br>AJAX: Ajax Client Server Architecture, XML Http Request Object- Call Back Methods, </br>Web Services: JAX-RPC-Concepts, Writing a Java Web Service,, </br>WSDL- Representing Data Types: XML Schema-Communicating Object Data, </br>SOAP Related Technologies-Software Installation-Storing Java Objects as Files, </br>Fundamentals of Java-Objects, functions., </br>Writing a Java Web Service Client, Describing Web Services

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Data Storage Servlets and Concurrency- Databases and Java Servlets

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is what are the various tags and steps associated in designing a simple web page with a markup language? and due date is 09-09-2024.

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is what are the various tags and steps associated in designing a simple web page with a markup language? and due date is 09-09-2024.

  • Puzzles

    Dear Students the Puzzles has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Web Essentials: Clients, Servers, and Communication., </br>The Internet - Basic Internet Protocols, The World Wide Web, </br>HTTP request message -response message, Web Clients & Web Servers

  • Question Bank

    Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Web Essentials: Clients, Servers, and Communication., </br>Web Essentials: Clients, Servers, and Communication.

  • Youtube Video

    Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>WEB ESSENTIALS,CLIENT AND SERVER</br> The Internet - Basic Internet Protocols, The World Wide Web</br> HTTP request message -response message, Web Clients & Web Servers</br>Markup Languages: XHTML, HTML History-Versions, Basic XHTML Syntax and Semantics</br>RELATIVE URL</br>LIST TABLES FRAMES

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is TAGS AND STEPS ASSOCIATED IN DESIGNING SIMPLE WEB PAGE and due date is .

  • Resource Link

    Dear Students the Resource Link has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>WEB TECHNOLOGY

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Host Objects: Browsers and the DOM, Introduction to the Document Object Model, DOM History and Levels, </br>Intrinsic Event Handling, Modifying Element Style - The Document Tree, </br>DOM Event Handling Accommodating Noncompliant Browsers Properties of window., </br>Server-Side Programming: Java Servlets- Architecture –Overview, A Servlet-Generating Dynamic Content, </br>Life Cycle- Parameter Data Sessions, Cookies-URL Rewriting-Other Capabilities

  • Resource Link

    Dear Students the Resource Link has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>WEB TECHNOLOGY

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Web Essentials: Clients, Servers, and Communication., </br>Web Essentials: Clients, Servers, and Communication., </br>The Internet - Basic Internet Protocols, The World Wide Web, </br>HTTP request message -response message, Web Clients & Web Servers, </br>Markup Languages: XHTML, HTML History-Versions, Basic XHTML Syntax and Semantics, </br>Fundamental HTML Elements & Relative URLs, </br>Lists-tables-Frames-Forms-HTML 5.0, </br>Style Sheets: CSS-Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets, CSS -Features-Core Syntax, </br>Style Sheets and HTML, Style Rule Cascading and Inheritance-Text Properties, </br>Box Model Normal Flow Box Layout -Beyond the Normal Flow-CSS3.0, </br>Client-Side Programming: The JavaScript Language-History and Versions, </br>Introduction JavaScript Perspective – Syntax, Variables and Data Types – Statements, </br>Operators-Literals-Functions, Objects-Arrays-Built-in Objects-JavaScript Debuggers.