Subject Details
Dept     : MECH
Sem      : 5
Regul    : 2019
Faculty : Mr. R. Dinesh
phone  : NIL
E-mail  :
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  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is Excel and due date is 14-09-2024.

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is Excel and due date is 14-09-2024.

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is Excel for business and due date is 14-09-2024.

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is Excel and due date is 14-09-2024.

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is Excel and due date is 14-09-2024.

  • Question Bank

    Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>IAE-1

  • Resource Link

    Dear Students the Resource Link has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Excel for business</br>Excel

  • Question Bank

    Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Introduction to excel, </br>Excel Tables, </br>Introduction to excel

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is Introduction to Excel and Excel Tables and due date is .

  • Puzzles

    Dear Students the Puzzles has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>PLM characteristics - singularity, cohesion, traceability, Information Mirroring Model, </br>Excel Table, </br>Introduction to Excel, </br>Excel Tables, </br>Charts, </br>Data Analysis, </br>Statistical analysis

  • Youtube Video

    Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Advanced Excel Full Course </br>Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>About Excel & Microsoft, Uses of Excel, </br>Excel software, Spreadsheet window pane, </br>Title Bar, Menu Bar, Standard Toolbar, </br>Formatting Toolbar, the Ribbon, File Tab and Backstage View, </br>Formula Bar, Workbook Window, Status Bar, </br>Task Pane, Workbook & sheets, </br>Columns & Rows: Selecting Columns & Rows, Changing Column Width & Row Height , </br>Autofitting Columns & Rows, Hiding/Unhiding Columns & Rows, </br>Inserting & Deleting Columns & Rows, Cell, Address of a cell, </br>Components of a cell – Format, value, formula, use of paste and paste special, </br>Using Ranges, Selecting Ranges, </br>Using Formulas, Formula Functions – Sum, Average, if, </br>Count, max, min, Proper, Upper, Lower, Using AutoSum, </br>Advance Formulas - Concatenate, Vlookup, Hlookup, Match, Countif, Text, Trim. Spreadsheet Charts , </br>Creating Charts, Different types of chart, </br>Formatting Chart Objects, Changing the Chart Type, </br>Showing and Hiding the Legend, Showing and Hiding the Data Table, </br>Data Analysis: Sorting, Filter, Text to Column, Data Validation, </br>Making Macros: Recording Macros, Running Macros, Deleting Macros, </br>Mathematical functions - summarizing data , </br>pivot table: Creating PivotTables, Manipulating a PivotTable, </br>Using the PivotTable Toolbar, Changing Data Field, Properties, Displaying a PivotChart , </br>Setting PivotTable Options, Adding Subtotals to PivotTables - formula auditing - what-if analysis, </br>Introduction to Statistics (Descriptive and Inferential), </br>Descriptive Statistics: Tabular & Graphical Presentation, </br>Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Measures (Averages and Variances), </br>Introduction to Probability: Discrete Probability Distributions, Continuous Probability Distributions, </br>Sampling and Sampling Distributions, Interval Estimation, Hypothesis Testing, ANOVA, Simple Linear Regression, </br>Introduction to Tabulae for data visualization