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Introduction to Design - Study of loads-moments and stresses on frame members - Design of Vehicle frame -Analysis of loads-moments and stresses in front axle - Design of front axle beam – Wheel Spindle Bearing. Experiments: 1. Design of Vehicle Frame 2. Design of Front Axle
Condition for True Rolling – Ackermann Principle in Steering System – Design of Steering System Components - Design of leaf Springs-Design of Coil springs – Design of torsion bar springs Experiments: 1. Design of Leaf Spring Suspension System 2. Design of Coil Spring Suspension System
Design of Cylinder – Design of Piston, Piston pins and Piston rings – Design of Connecting rod – Design of Valves - Design of Exhaust and Intake Manifold – Design of Crankshaft Experiments: 1. Design of connecting rod assembly. 2. Development of the crankshaft assembly. 3. Design and drawing of the inlet and exhaust valves.
Design of single plate clutch - Design of multiplate clutch - Design of Centrifugal clutch – Layout of Gearboxes - Design of three speeds and four speed gearboxes Experiment: 1. Design of Clutch Assembly
Design of Propeller Shaft – Design of Rear Axle Drive Assembly - Energy Absorbed by brakes –Heat to be dissipated during braking – Design of Drum Brake – Design of Disc Brake Experiments: 1. Design of Braking System 2. Design of Propeller Shaft
Reference Book:
1 S.Md.Jalaludeen, “A text book of Machine Designâ€, AnuradhaPublications, 2014. 2 Heldt, P.M., "Automotive Chassis", literary licensing. 2012. 3 Julian Happian-Smith, “An Introduction to Modern Vehicle Designâ€, Butterworth Heinemann Publishers, 2004 4 Dean Averns, "Automobile Chassis Design", Illife Book Co., 2016. 5 Mathur&Sharma, “A course in I.C. Engineâ€, DhanputRai& Sons, 2016
Text Book:
1. N.K.Giri, “Automotive Mechanics†9th Reprint, Khanna Publishers 2014. 2. R.S.Khurmi&Gupta.J.K., "A text book of Machine Design", Eurasia Publishing House (Pvt) Ltd, 2011.