Object Oriented Programming concepts–Objects-Classes–Inheritance– polymorphism – Abstraction- Encapsulation, Features of Java, Byte code and Java Virtual Machine, JDK
Basics of Java programming, Data types, Variables, Operators, Control structures including selection, Looping, Java methods, Overloading, Math class, Arrays in java.
Basics of objects and classes in java, Constructors, Finalizer, Visibility modifiers, Methods and objects, Inbuilt classes like String, Character, String Buffer, File, this reference
Inheritance- Super class - Sub class - protected members - constructors in sub class – Overriding –Abstract class-Final methods and classes, Interfaces, Packages.
Multithreading - Thread life cycle and methods, Thread Creation, Thread synchronization, Inter-thread communication, Exception handling with try-catch-finally
Reference Book:
REFERENCES 1. Cay S. Horstmann, “Core Java Fundamentalsâ€, Volume 1, 11 th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2018.
Text Book:
1. Herbert Schildt, “Java: The Complete Referenceâ€, 11 th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2019.