Introduction to Fluid power-Advantages and Applications-Fluid power systems– Types of fluids- Properties of fluids–Basics of Hydraulics–Pascal’s Law-Principles of flow – Friction loss- Work, Power and Torque. Problems Sources of Hydraulic power: Pumping Theory–Pump Classification Construction, working, Design, Advantages, Disadvantages, Performance, Selection criterion of Linear, Rotary-Fixed and Variable displacement pumps- Problems based on Fluid Power System.
Actuators: Cylinders– Types and construction, Application, Hydraulic cushioning - Hydraulic motors Control Components: Direction control, Flow control and Pressure control valves-Types, Construction and Operation-Servo and Proportional valves -Applications–Types of actuation. Accessories: Reservoirs, Pressure Switches- Applications-Fluid Power ANSI Symbols– Problems
Accumulators, Intensifiers, Industrial hydraulic circuits-Regenerative, Pump Unloading, Double- pump, Pressure Intensifier, Reciprocation, Synchronization, Fail-safe, Speed control, Hydrostatic transmission, Electro hydraulic circuits, Mechanical Hydraulic servo systems.- Hydro-Pneumo Circuit simulation in Fluidsim.
Internet of Things Promises–Definition– Scope–Sensors for IoT Applications–Structure of IoT– IoT Map Device
Press and Fork lift control using IoT - Fluid powered Assembling, Feeding, Metalworking, materials handling and plastics working application with IoT.
Reference Book:
1. Andrew Parr, “Hydraulics and Pneumatics”, Jaico Publishing House, 2005. 2. Majumdar S R, “Pneumatic Systems – Principle and Maintenance”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2006. 3. Majumdar, S.R., “Oil Hydraulics Systems, Principles and Maintenance”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001. 4. Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach Paperback – 2015, by ArsheepBahga, Vijay Madisetti. 5. IoT Fundamentals: Networking Technologies, Protocols and Use Cases for the Internet of Things by Pearson Paperback – 16 Aug 2017,by Hanes David, Salgueiro Gonzalo, Grossetete Patrick, Barton Rob
Text Book:
1. Anthony Esposito, “Fluid Power with Applications”, Pearson Education, Seventh Edition, 2009. 2. Mandler, B., Barja, J., MitreCampista, M.E., Cagáová, D., Chaouchi, H., Zeadally, S., Badra, M., Giordano, S., Fazio, M., Somov, A., Vieriu, R.-L., Internet of Things. IoT Infrastructures, Springer International Publication