Personnel management; objectives and functions of personnel management, psychology, sociology and their relevance to organization, personality problems. Selection process: job description, employment tests, interviewing, introduction to training objectives, advantages, methods of training, training procedure, psychological tested.
Introduction to various transport systems - Advantages of motor transport - Principal function of administrative, traffic, secretarial and engineering divisions - Chain of responsibility, forms of ownership by state, municipality, public body and private undertakings – taxation objectives – structures of laving tax – methods – one-time tax – tax exemption - tax renewal
Principal features of operating costs for transport vehicles with examples of estimating the costs - Fare structure and method of drawing up of a fare table - Various types of fare collecting methods. Basic factors of bus scheduling - Problems on bus scheduling
Traffic signs, fitness certificate, registration requirements, permit – state, interstate–, constructional regulations, description of vehicle-tankers, tippers, delivery vans, recovery vans, Power wagons and fire fighting vehicles.
Preventive maintenance system in transport industry, tyre maintenance procedures - Causes for uneven tyre wear; remedies, maintenance procedure for better fuel economy, Design of bus depot layout. Accident – causes and analysis – preventive measures,insurance – types, comprehensive insurance – third party insurance.
Reference Book:
Teodar Gabriel Crainic, Gilbert Laprte, “Fleet Management and Logistics” Springer Science and Business Media, 2012. Government Motor Vehicle Act –Publication on latest act to be used as on date
Text Book:
John Dolce, “Fleet Management “, McGraw-Hill Co, USA -1984 Digitized in 2007