Internet and Web - HTTP Protocol - Client-Server Architecture- Structure of HTML page - Basic HTML tags like heading - paragraph - formatting text - organizing text - list - anchor - images - HTML tables - HTML Forms - meta tags - multimedia tags - HTML5 tags and validation- Introduction to CSS - Basic Syntax and structure of CSS - Types of CSS - Targeting using CSS - Background Properties - Manipulating text and font - The Box Model - styling list - CSS Positioning
Syntax & execution of JS - Internal - Embedded and External JS - Variables - arrays - functions - conditions - loops - Pop up boxes - objects and DOM - Inbuilt functions - Validations and Regular expressions - Event handling - Callbacks - Function as arguments Introduction to JQuery - Exploring JQuery- Introduction to ReactJS
Introduction to Node JS - Setup Development Environment - Node JS Modules - Node Package Manager - Creating Web Server - File System - Debugging Node JS Application - Events - Express JS - Serving Static Resources - Database Connectivity - API using NodeJS-Introduction to Angular - Project Setup - Creating Components - Routing - Databinding - String interpolation - Pipes - Property Binding - Event Binding - Two-way data Binding - Directives - Observable - Dependency Injection - Forms in Angular
Tensorflow.js-Building an image classifier-Text classification and sentimental analysis- Two Paths for Creating Wix Websites- Developing Your First Wix Site- Making Your Website Marketable
Introduction Adobe Sensei- Adobe Sensei Knowledge Management –Introduction Fire Drop-Operations of chat bot using Fire Drop
Reference Book:
Charlie Gerard ,”Practical Machine Learning in JavaScript TensorFlow.js for Web Developers” Springer 2021 Mark Lassoff, Spencer Reynolds ,”Wix Web Development” O’Reilly,2021 Gerardus Blokdyk,” Adobe Sensei The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide” Professional Node.js By Pedro Teixeira | John Wiley & Sons Angular 2 Cookbook By Frishbie | Packt Publishing Learning React: Fundamental Web Development with react and redux By Alex Banks | O'Reilly
Text Book:
Web Technology: A Developer's Perspective By N.P.Gopalan, J. Akilandeswari | PHI Learning HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference By Thomas Powell | McGraw Hill