State in Ancient India: Evolutionary Theory-Force Theory, Mystical Theory, Contract Theory-Stages of State Formation in Ancient India-Kingship, Council of Ministers, Administration-Political Ideals in Ancient India Conditions’ of the Welfare of Societies-The Seven Limbs of the State, Society in Ancient India.
Evolution of script and languages in India: Harappan Script and Brahmi Script-The Vedas, the Upanishads, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata-Puranas, Buddhist & Jain Literature in Pali, Prakrit -Sanskrit, Kautilya’s, Arthashastra, Tamil Literature & Thirukural-Telugu Literature, Kannada Literature-Malayalam Literature, Urdu Literature & Hindi Literature
Pre-Vedic and Vedic Religion, Buddhism, Jainism-Six System Indian Philosophy-Shankaracharya, Various Philosophical Doctrines-Other Heterodox Sects, Bhakti Movement-Sufi movement, Socio religious reform movement of 19th century,Modern religious practices
Astronomy in India, Chemistry in India, Mathematics in India-Physics in India, Agriculture in India-Medicine in India, Metallurgy in India-Geography, Biology, Harappan Technologies-Water Management in India-Trade in Ancient India
Indian Architect, Engineering and Architecture in Ancient India-Sculptures, Seals, coins, Pottery, -Puppetry, Dance, Music, Theatre, drama-Painting, Martial Arts Traditions, Fairs and Festivals, -Current developments in Arts and Cultural-Indian’s Cultural Contribution to the World. Indian Cinema, Yoga
Reference Book:
S. Baliyan, Indian Art and Culture, Oxford University Press, India Swami Jitatmanand, Modern Physics and Vedant, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Text Book:
V. Sivaramakrishna (Ed.), Cultural Heritage of India-Course Material, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, 5th Edition, 2014