Plane Truss Analysis-Propped Cantilever Beam-Fixed-Fixed Beam-Principle of SuperpositionClapeyron’s Three-Moment Equation-Moment Distribution Method-Strain Energy in Axial and Bending Loadings-Castigliano’s Theorems-Energy Methods – Unit Load Method
Stress-Strain Relationships-Failure Theories-Elastic and Plastic Behavior of Materials-Strain Energy in Torsion and Shear Loadings-Fatigue Analysis-Fracture Mechanics-Impact Loading-Creep and Stress Relaxation-Thermal Stresses
Principal Axis and Neutral Axis Methods-Bending of Symmetric Beams Subject to Skew LoadsBending Stresses in Unsymmetrical Sections-Calculation of Section Modulus-Shear Centre in Unsymmetrical Sections-Application to Aerospace Components-Stress Distribution Analysis-Practical Design Considerations-Real-World Applications
Concept of Shear Flow-Shear Centre Determination-Structural Idealization-Shear Flow Variation in Open Sections-Bredt-Batho Theory-Shear Flow in Closed Sections-Combined Bending and Torsion-Shear Centre in Closed Sections-Applications in Aircraft Structures
Bending of Thin Plates-Local Buckling Stress of Thin-Walled Sections-Crippling Strength Estimation-Load Carrying Capacity of Sheet Stiffener Panels-Inter-Rivet Buckling-Effective Width Concepts-V-n Diagram and Load Analysis-Shear Force and Bending Moment Distribution-Tension Field Beam Theory.
Reference Book:
1 Bruhn, E. F. - "Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures," Tri-State Offset Co., 1973 2 Niu, M. C. Y. - "Airframe Structural Design: Practical Design Information and Data on Aircraft Structures," Conmilit Press Ltd, 1988. 3 Rivello, R. M. - "Theory and Analysis of Flight Structures," McGraw-Hill, 1969. 4 Bisplinghoff, R. L., Mar, J. W., and Pian, T. H. H. - "Statics of Deformable Solids," AddisonWesley, 1965 5 Timoshenko, S. P., and Gere, J. M. - "Theory of Elastic Stability," 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1961
Text Book:
1. Megson, T. H. G. - "Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students," 5th Edition, Elsevier, 2013 2. Peery, D. J. and Azar, J. J. - "Aircraft Structures," 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1982.