Introduction to Embedded Systems: Structural units in a processor, processor selection for an embedded system , System design using general purpose processor : Microcontroller architectures (RISC, CISC), Embedded Memory, Strategic selection of processor and memory.
I/O Devices:- Types and Examples of I/O devices, Communications from Serial Devices - Examples of Internal Serial Emerging bus standards and communication: USB, PCI,UART, SPI, I2C, CAN, Bluetooth, Zigbee
Concepts of Embedded Programming in C++:- Objected Oriented Programming, Embedded Programming in C++, ‘C++’ Program compilers – Cross compiler – Optimization of memory needs.
Embedded Operating Systems Process Management and Inter Process Communication, Memory Management, I/O sub- system & Embedded File Systems, POSIX Thread Programming, POSIX Semaphores, Mutexes, AUTOSAR.
Design Methodologies, System Analysis and Architecture Design, Introduction to Real-Time Concepts:RTOS Internals & Real Time Scheduling, Performance Metrics of RTOS, Task Specifications, Schedulability Analysis, ARM processor, Arudino
Reference Book:
Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design – Harcourt India, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, First Indian Reprint 2001. 2. Amold S.Berger , Embedded System Design ,CMP Books ,2001. 3. Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis, Embedded Systems Design – A unified Hardware /Software Introduction, John Wiley, 2002. 4. Ashok K.Pathak, Advanced test in C and Embedded System programming, BPB Publications, 2003. 5. Phillip A. Laplante, Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis, Wiley 2006 6 Qing Li , Caroline Yao , ”Real –Time Concepts for Embedded Systems”, CRC Press 2003.
Text Book:
1. Raj kamal, Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming and Design, TATA McGraw-Hill, First reprint Oct. 2003. 2. Michael Barr, Anthony Massa, Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ , O'Reilly ,2006.