IoT, Architectures of IoT and IIoT, IIoT System components: Sensors, Gateways, Routers, Modem, Cloud brokers, WSN, WSN network design for IoT. Wireless communication of IoT microcontrollers, Introduction to hardware and software components in IoT, Microcontrollers – Arduino, Raspberry pi, Sensors, GPIO pins and specifications.
Automation overview, Requirement of automation systems - Basic elements of an automated system – Advanced automated functions – Levels of Automation - Fundamentals of Automated Production Lines –Role of IIOT in Manufacturing Processes.
IoT enabling technologies: Wireless sensor networks, Cloud computing –Big Data -Machine to machine communication – Components of M2M – Features of M2M - Architecture and requirements of M2M– challenges and Standardization effort for M2M –Automated Storage and Retrieval system.
IoT controlled automated guided vehicle systems - Shop floor control - Use of IIoT in shop floor production and maintenance practices - Computer based data acquisition system, Internet of things (IoT) for plant automation - Industrial automation using robots. Advantages & Limitations in Automation. IoT smart energy management, Cybersecurity in Industry 4.0
IoT for Plant automation - Case study: Industrial control and smart health of machineries. Quality control – IoT based inventory management architecture – Predictive maintenance of machineries – Factory Digitalization - Product flow Monitoring. Smart metering – energy, water and other fuels – Optimal scheduling of machines - Smart tracking of components in production line
Reference Book:
1.N. Vengurlekar and P. Bagal, “Database Cloud Storage: The Essential Guide to Oracle Automatic Storage Management”, 1st edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2023, ISBN-10: 0071790152. 2.Bedworth, David, "Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing", Tata McGraw- Hill, New Delhi, 4th Edition 2021 3.Machine- to-machine communications edited by vojislab B. misic, Jelenamisic, CRS press Taylor & francis group – 2021 4.Giacomo Veneri, “Hands-on Industrial Internet of things”, Packt Publishing Ltd, First Edition, November 2018 5.S. Jeschke, C. Brecher, H. Song, and D. B. Rawat, “Industrial Internet of Things: Cyber manufacturing Systems”, Springer, 1st edition, 2022, ISBN: 978-3319425580 (UNIT I,V)
Text Book:
1.Mikell.P.Groover “Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2024 2.Vijay Madisetti and Arshdeep Bahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on Approach)”, 1stEdition, VPT, 2020