State in Ancient India: Evolutionary Theory, Force Theory, Mystical Theory Contract Theory, Stages of State Formation in Ancient India, Kingship , Council of Ministers Administration Political Ideals in Ancient India Conditions’ of the Welfare of Societies, The Seven Limbs of the State, Society in Ancient India.
Evolution of script and languages in India: Harappan Script and Brahmi Script. The Vedas, the Upanishads, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, Puranas, Buddhist & Jain Literature in Pali, Prakrit , Sanskrit, Kautilya’s Arthashastra, Tamil Literature& Thirukural, Telugu Literature, Kannada Literature, Malayalam Literature, Urdu Literature & Hindi Literature
Pre-Vedic and Vedic Religion, Buddhism, Jainism, Six System Indian Philosophy, Shankaracharya, Various Philosophical Doctrines , Other Heterodox Sects, Bhakti Movement, Sufi movement, Socio religious reform movement of 19th century, Modern religious practices
Astronomy in India, Chemistry in India, Mathematics in India, Physics in India, Agriculture in India, Medicine in India ,Metallurgy in India, Geography, Biology, Harappan Technologies, Water Management in India, Trade in Ancient India
Indian Architect, Engineering and Architecture in Ancient India, Sculptures, Seals, coins, Pottery, Puppetry, Dance, Music, Theatre, drama, Painting, Martial Arts Traditions, Fairs and Festivals, Current developments in Arts and Cultural, Indian’s Cultural Contribution to the World. Indian Cinema, Yoga
Reference Book:
Swami Jitatmanand, Modern Physics and Vedant, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Romila Thapar, Readings In Early Indian History Oxford University Press , India Fritz of Capra, Tao of Physics Fritz of Capra, The wave of Life V N Jha (English Translation), Tarkasangraha of Annam Bhatta, International Chinmay Foundation,Velliarnad,Amaku,am Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, Ramakrishna Mission, Kolkata GN Jha (Eng. Trans.) Ed. R N Jha, Yoga-darshanam with Vyasa Bhashya, Vidyanidhi Prakasham, Delhi,2016 RN Jha, Science of Consciousness Psychotherapy and Yoga Practices, Vidyanidhi Prakasham, Delhi, 2016 P R Sharma ( English translation), Shodashang Hridayam Basham, A.L., The Wonder that was India (34th impression), New Delhi, Rupa & co Sharma, R.S., Aspects of Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancient India(fourth edition), Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass
Text Book:
1.V. Sivaramakrishna (Ed.), Cultural Heritage of India-Course Material, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, 5th Edition, 2014 2.S. Baliyan, Indian Art and Culture, Oxford University Press, India