Axioms of probability - Conditional probability - Total probability - Baye’s theorem- Discrete and continuous random variables – Moments.
Binomial – Poisson – Exponential – Normal distributions – Moment generating functions and their properties.
Joint distributions – Marginal and conditional distributions – Covariance – Correlation and linear regression – Central limit theorem(Statement only).
Sampling distributions – Statistical hypothesis – Tests for single mean, proportion, Difference of means (large and small samples) – Tests for single variance and equality of variances – Chi square test for goodness of fit-Independence of attributes.
One way and two way classifications – Completely randomized design – Randomized block design – Latin square design.
Reference Book:
1. Walpole. R.E., Myers. R.H., Myers. S.L., and Ye. K., “Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”,9th Edition, Pearson Education, Asia, 2010. 2. Trivedi, K.S., “Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications”, PHI Learning Private limited , New Delhi ,2011. 3. Devore. J.L., "Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences", Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 8 th Edition, 2014. 4. Ross, S.M., “Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”, 3rd Edition, Elsevier, 2004. 5. Spiegel,M.R., Schiller, J. and Srinivasan,R.A., "Schaum’s Outlines on Probability and Statistics”, Tata McGraw Hill edition, 4th Edition, 2012.
Text Book:
1. Ibe, O.C., “Fundamentals of Applied Probability and Random Processes”, Elsevier, 1st Indian Reprint, 2016. 2. Papoulis, A and Unnikrishnapillai, S., “Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes” McGraw Hill Education India, 4th Edition, New Delhi, 2010.