Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency – Needs and Advantages, Sustainable design and development - Different types and limitations of Renewable Energy Sources -Environmental aspects of energy utilization – Statistical Report on Renewable energy scenario in India and world.
Basics of solar power - Flat plate for domestic water heating application - concentrating collectors – Solar desalination , Pond – Solar pumping – Solar thermal power plant – PV cell –characteristics - MPPT techniques - standalone PV lighting system – grid connected solar PV system and its issues
Power in wind - Types of wind energy systems – Components and performance of Wind energy System– Types of wind turbine generators – grid connected WECS and its issues - MPPT Techniques
Biomass direct combustion – Biomass gasifier – Types – Advantages & Drawbacks - Biogas plant – Ethanol production – Bio diesel. Cogeneration plant: steam/gas turbine cogeneration systems. Mini, micro, pico hydropower system, water theory, layout and components of hydropower system
Tidal energy – barrage and non-barrage types , Wave energy – Open and closed OTEC Cycles, Geothermal energy – Hydrogen production and storage - Fuel cell systems - Bloom Energy – Hybrid energy systems
Reference Book:
1. S.P. Sukhatme, ‘Solar Energy’, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1997. (UNIT II) 2. G.N. Tiwari, ‘Solar Energy – Fundamentals Design, Modelling and applications’, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002. (UNIT II) 3. S.M. Muyeen,” Wind Energy Conversion Systems: Technology and Trends”, Springer 2012. [UNIT III]
Text Book:
1. G.D. Rai, ‘Non Conventional Energy Sources’, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2006. (UNIT I - V) 2. D.P.Kothari, K.C.Singal and Rakesh Ranjan,”Renewable energy sources and Emerging Technologies”, PHI Pvt. Ltd., 2009. (UNIT I-V)