Introduction to Embedded Systems – The build process for embedded systems- Structural units in Embedded processor , selection of processor & memory devices- DMA – Memory management methods- Timer and Counting devices, Watchdog Timer, Real Time Clock, In circuit emulator, Target Hardware Debugging
Embedded Networking: Introduction, I/O Device Ports & Buses– Serial Bus communication protocols - RS232 standard – RS422 – RS485 - CAN Bus -Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) – Inter Integrated Circuits (I2C) –need for device drivers - Networking IoT and cloud.
Embedded Product Development Life Cycle- objectives, different phases of EDLC, Modelling of EDLC; issues in Hardware-software Co-design, Data Flow Graph, state machine model, Sequential Program Model, concurrent Model, object oriented Model.
RTOS vs General purpose OS, Kernel Architecture and Functionalities - Task management, Process Scheduling, Resource management (Semaphores and Mutex), Task Synchronization. Embedded software development Life cycle.
Introduction to wireless networking –WiFi Basics - Bluetooth – Overview, power levels, Device communication, Base band, Packet format, packet heading, packet types and packet timing. Overview of IEEE 802.15.4 , IEEEC12.11.G standard feature, Device types and Frame format. ZigBee – Architecture objectives, Network model, ZigBee stack block diagram, Network layer. ZigBee Vs Bluetooth.
Reference Book:
Shibu. K.V, “Introduction to Embedded Systems”, Tata Mcgraw Hill,2009. (UNIT I - V) Elicia White,” Making Embedded Systems”, O’ Reilly Series,SPD,2011. (UNIT I - V) Peckol, “Embedded system Design”, John Wiley & Sons,2010 (UNIT IV and V) Han-Way Huang, ”Embedded system Design Using C8051”, Cengage Learning,2009.(UNIT I - V) Rajib Mall “Real-Time systems: Theory and Practice” Pearson Education, 2007. (UNIT I - V)
Text Book:
1 Rajkamal, ‘Embedded System-Architecture, Programming, Design’, McGraw Hill, 2013.(UNIT I, II and III) 2 Lyla B Das,” Embedded Systems-An Integrated Approach”, Pearson, 2013 (UNIT III, IV and V)