Introduction to steel structures – Hot rolled steel sections – cold formed steel structures - Structural steel types –Properties of structural steel-Type of Loads on Structures and Load combinations – Design philosophies of Steel structures - Bolted connections - High strength Friction Grip bolts – Welded connection - Design of simple welded connection – fillet and butt welded connection –plug and slot weld- eccentric connection.
Tension Members - Types of Tension members and sections –Behavior of Tension Members- modes of failure-Slenderness ratio- Net area – Net effective sections for Plates,Angles and Tee in tension –Concepts of Shear Lag- Design of plate and angle tension members-design of built up tension Members-Connections in tension members – Use of lug angles – Design of tension splice
Types of compression members and sections–Behavior and types of failures-Short and slender columns- Effective Length, Slenderness ratio –- strength curves - Design of single section and compound Angle - Design of Built up Laced and Battened type columns – Design of column bases –slab base and Gusseted bases for Axially loaded columns- Splices for columns – Concept of torsional and torsional-flexural buckling of columns
Types of steel Beam sections- Behavior of Beams in flexure- Classification of cross sections- Flexural Strength and Lateral stability of Beams –Shear Strength-Web Buckling, Crippling and defection of Beams- Design of laterally supported Beams- Design of solid rolled section Beams- Design Strength of Laterally unsupported Beams
Plate girder - Introduction- Types of sections- Elements of plate girders -Design of welded plate girder as per IS code – case study on Plate Girders - Gantry girder- Introduction –Design procedure of gantry girders - Truss – roof systems -Analysis for load combination –Deflection of trusses. Design of truss members- Design of purlins-Design of connections andend bearing – case study on Trusses
Reference Book:
Subramaniam.N., “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford higher education, 2008 Duggal.S.K., “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”,McGraw Hill education,2017. Dayaratnam, P., “Design of Steel Structures”, Second edition, S. Chand &Company,2012 RamchandraVirendraGehlot, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”,Scientific Publishers, 2010 IS 800-2007: General construction in steel – code of practice. BIS, New Delhi IS 875 -1987 : Part I, II, III, IV, V Code of practice for design loads (other than Earthquake) for buildings and structures, BIS, New Delhi.
Text Book:
1 Jayagopal.L.S and Tensing.D., “Design of steel structures”, Vikas PublishinghousePvt.Ltd.,2016. 2 Gambhir .M.L “Fundamentals of Structural Steel Design”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2013.