Introduction - Historical development of VR - Fundamental Concept and Components of Virtual Reality - Primary Features and Present Development on Virtual Reality - Computer graphics - Real time computer graphics - Flight Simulation - Virtual environment requirement - benefits of virtual reality - Scientific Landmark
Taxonomy - technology and features of augmented reality - Working with AR techniques - compatibility with the environment - system architecture - AR terminology - application areas of AR - connectivity of smart devices with AR - Difference between AR and VR - Challenges with AR Augmented reality methods
VR Devices – Structure and working of HTC Vive - Google Cardboard - Samsung gear VR - Oculus Quest - Samsung Odyssey - Oculus Rift - AR Components – Scene Generator - Tracking system - monitoring system - display - Optical See- Through HMD - Virtual retinal systems - Monitor based systems - Projection displays - Video see-through systems - Advantages and Disadvantages of AR and VR technologies
Human factors: Introduction, the eye, the ear, the somatic senses. Hardware: Introduction, sensor hardware, Head-coupled displays, Acoustic hardware, Integrated VR systems. Software: Introduction, Modelling virtual world, Physical simulation, VRtoolkits, Introduction to VRML
Introduction – AR/VR in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) – Benefits of AR/VR in Construction Industry - Limitation of AR/VR in Construction Industry – Application in AEC Sectors – Challenges
Reference Book:
1 Alan Craig, William Sherman and Jeffrey Will, “Developing Virtual Reality Applications, Foundations of Effective Design”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2009. 2 Adams, “Visualizations of Virtual Reality”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000. 3 Grigore C. Burdea, Philippe Coiffet , “Virtual Reality Technology”, Wiley Inter Science, 2nd Edition, 2006. 4 William R. Sherman, Alan B. Craig, “Understanding Virtual Reality: Interface, Application and Design”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008.
Text Book:
1 Anand R., “Augmented and Virtual Reality”, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi. 2 Alan B. Craig, “Understanding Augmented Reality, Concepts and Applications”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.