Source of radio frequency radiation- Effects of radio frequency radiation-Development of standards for human safety- Calculation of RF field quantities- RF radiation measuring instruments and methods
Design and description of NM department- Guidelines for radiation protection- Molecular medicine and radiation safety program- Procedure for safe operation of radiation equipment- Radiation protection in external beam radiotherapy- Radiation protection in brachytherapy.
Classification of UV radiation- Sources of UV- Biological effects of UV- Hazards associated with UV radiation- UV control measures- Safety management of UV- classification of LASER and its radiation hazards- control measures- Emergencies and incident procedures.
Radiation accidents and emergencies in the use of radiation sources and equipment in industry–Radiographic cameras and teletherapy units – Loading and unloading of sources – Loss of radiation sources and their tracing – Typical accident cases. Radiation injuries, their treatment and medical management.
Sources of radioactive wastes – classification of waste – Treatment techniques for solid, liquid and gaseous effluents – permissible limits for disposal of waste – Sampling techniques for air, water and solids. General methods of disposal – Management of radioactive waste in medical, industrial, agricultural and research establishments.
Reference Book:
1. SörenMattsson, Christoph Hoeschen, “Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine”, Springer, 2013. 2. ArunaKaushik, Anupammondal, Dwarkanath B.S, TripathiR.P, “Radiation protection manual”, INMAS, DRDO 2010 3. Ronald kitchen, “RF and microwave radiation safety”, Newness publishers, 2nd edition, 2001. 4. Muhammed Maqbool - An Introduction to Medical Physics-Springer International Publishing (2017). 5.Gopal B. Saha, Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).
Text Book:
1. Jamie V, Trapp, Thomas Kron. “An introduction to radiation protection in medicine”, CRC press Taylor & Francis group, 2008. 2. Alan Martin, Samuel Harbison, Karen Beach, Peter Cole, Hodder Arnold.” An introduction toradiation protection”, 7th edition 2019.