Issues and challenges in food and agriculture- efficient routing protocols and ambient energy harvesting. Introduction to the basic principles, techniques, and applications of Artificial Intelligence. Overview of different modes of AI (expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy logic, robotics, natural language processing, and computer vision).
Introduction to Machine Vision system – concept - components - Advantages - Metal detectors – Electronic color sorters – Bar code readers – Code detection cameras – Scope and Limitations of Machine Vision system –Applications in Food industry - 3D machine vision technology.
Role of AI in augmenting food safety and quality. Advantages of AI over analytical food quality measurements. Non-destructive technologies – X-ray Inspection – Ultrasound - hyper spectral imaging – NIR Spectroscopy. Electronic noses and e-tongues. Applications of NDT in food quality for grains, fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry and sea foods.
AI-Based Customer Satisfaction - Decision-Making System for Customers - Launching new products - Reinventing Food Delivery - Customer Feedback System - Food-Vending Terminals and Applications - AI-Based Online Restaurant Search Engine - Self-Ordering Kiosk System.
Product Sorting and Packaging – Food Traceability - Demand-supply chain management -Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance - Personal Health Sanitation - Food Waste Management - Future Application of AI in Food Industry - Robotics for the Food Industry.
Reference Book:
1. Alexander Hornberg, “Handbook of Machine and Computer Vision: The Guide for Developers and Users”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Germany, 2017. 2. Shi Y, Wang X, Borhan MS, Young J, Newman D, Berg E, Sun X. A Review on Meat Quality Evaluation Methods Based on Non-Destructive Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence Technologies.
Text Book:
1. Stuart J Russell & Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”. 3rd Edition. Pearson. 2015. Da-Wen Sun, “Computer Vision Technology for Food Quality Evaluation”, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, London, 2011. Davis E. R., “Image Processing for the Food Industry”, 1st Edition, World Scientific, Singapore.