THEORY Reflex Klystron – Modes and efficiency considerations– Two cavity klystron amplifier –PIN modulator -Parametric amplifiers -Gunn diode and its mode Magnetrons – TWT. PRACTICAL (a) Study of Microwave Components, Reflex Klystron –Modecharacteristics. (b) Gunn Diode –Characteristics S Parameters: Scattering parameters, properties of S matrix, Conversion of ABCD and S matrix, S matrix representation of Waveguide corners, bends, twists, Directional couplers, Circulators, Isolators, Attenuators, Wave guide Tee, Hybrid Tee, Hybrid rings (rat-race) and Terminator. PRACTICAL (a) DirectionalCoupler (b) S - matrix Characterization of E-Plane Tee, H-Plane Tee and MagicTee
THEORY Reflex Klystron – Modes and efficiency considerations– Two cavity klystron amplifier –PIN modulator -Parametric amplifiers -Gunn diode and its mode Magnetrons – TWT. PRACTICAL (a) Study of Microwave Components, Reflex Klystron –Modecharacteristics. (b) Gunn Diode –Characteristics
THEORY Microwave Measurements: Spectrum analyser-Network Analyzer, VSWR, power, impedance, insertion loss, scattering parameters and dielectric constant measurement. PRACTICAL (a) Frequency and Wave LengthMeasurement. (b) Attenuation and powermeasurement
THEORY Optical Fibers and Devices: Optical fiber structures , Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture, Optical Windows, Attenuation, Absorption losses – Scattering losses and bending losses– Optical Sources - LED, ILD characteristics. Optical detectors – PIN – APD-Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers. PRACTICAL (a) DC characteristics of LED and PIN PhotoDiode. (b) Characteristics of LASER.
THEORY Optical transmitters and receivers, System- point to point link – link design, power budget analysis. WDM- DWDM and SONET/SDH. OTDM-Introduction to AON, PON and FTH. PRACTICAL (a) Measurement of Coupling and Bending Losses. (b ) Numerical Aperture determination for Fibers
Reference Book:
1. R.E. Collin: Foundations for Microwave Engineering. – IEEE Press -Second Edition- (2002). 2. David M. Pozar: Microwave Engineering. – John Wiley & Sons – Third Edition - (2003). 3. John M. Senior , “Optical Fiber Communication”, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2007. 4. Ram swami, Sivarajan and Sasaki “Optical Networks”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2009. 5. Annapurna Das and SisirK.Das: Microwave Engineering – Tata McGraw-Hill -(2000).
Text Book:
1. Samuel Y.Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits” – Prentice Hall of India – Third Edition- (2003). 2. Gerd Keiser, "Optical Fiber Communication" McGraw -Hill International, 4thEdition.,2010.