Evaporation – definition – liquid characteristics – single and multiple effect evaporation, performance of Evaporators and boiling point elevation – capacity – economy and heat balance types of evaporators – once through and circulation evaporators – short tube evaporators and long tube evaporators – agitated film evaporator
Sedimentation in liquids - Gravitational sedimentation – Floatation -Sedimentation of particles in gas. Centrifugal separation – Velocity of particles – Radius of neutral zone – Measurement- Equipment’s. Filtration – Constant Rate and Constant pressure filtration – Area calculation- Equipment’s, Sieving effectiveness and Applications
Fibrous foods, Dry foods and Liquid foods – Calculation of Energy Used in Grinding. New Surface Formed by grinding. Grinding and Cutting equipment’s - Crushers, Hammer mills, Fixed head mills, Ball mills, Plate mills and Roller mills. Cutters - Slicers, Dicers, Shredder and Pulper. Size reduction in liquids
Basic drying theory, heat and mass transfer in drying, drying rate curves, calculation drying times, dryer efficiencies; classification and selection of dryers; tray, vacuum, osmotic, fluidized bed, pneumatic, rotary, tunnel, trough, bin, belt, microwave, IR, heat pump and freeze dryers; dryers for liquid: Drum or roller dryer, spray dryer and foam mat dryers
Crystallization-Equilibrium –Rate of crystal growth stage-Equilibrium crystallization-Crystallizers. Equipment- Classification- Construction and operation – Crystallizers-Tank-Agitated batch Swenson- Walker and Vacuum crystallizers-Distillation-Binary mixtures-Flash and differential distillation-Steam distillation –Theory- Continuous distillation with rectification –Vacuum distillation -Batch distillation-Operation and process- Advantages and limitation-Distillation equipment Construction and operation-Factors influencing the operation.
Reference Book:
Geankoplis, C.J. “Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003. 2 Coulson, J.M and J.F. Richardson. Chemical Engineering. Volume I to V. The Pergamon Press. New York, 1999 3 Albert Ibarz and Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas. Unit Operations in Food Engineering. CRC Press LLC, Florida, 2003..
Text Book:
Paul Singh R. and Dennis R. Heldman, -Introduction to Food Process Engineering, 5 th Edition, Academic Press, USA,2014 2 R.L. Earle, Unit Operations in Food Processing, Pergamon Press, New York,1989