Introduction, Classification, and the importance of engineering properties in the design of agricultural machinery. Physical Properties: shape, size, roundness, sphericity, volume, density, porosity, specific gravity, the surface area of grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Static friction, Kinetic friction, rolling resistance, angle of internal friction, angle of repose, Rolling resistance coefficient of friction, Flow of bulk granular materials, coefficient of friction between granular material.
Thermal properties; co-efficient of thermal expansion, friction in agricultural materials; static friction, kinetic friction, rolling resistance, angle of internal friction, angle of repose, flow of bulk granular materials, Aero dynamics of agricultural products, drag coefficients, terminal velocity.
Conductivity and dielectric constant, method of determination. dielectric loss factor, loss tangent, A.C, electric conductance, electric resistance, resistivity, impedance, admittance, permittivity, relative permittivity. Application of engineering properties in handling processing machines and storage structures.
Rheological properties: force, deformation, stress, strain, elastic, plastic and viscous behavior, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian liquid, Visco-elasticity, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluid, Pseudoplastic, Dilatant, Thixotropic, Rheopectic and Bingham Plastic Foods, Flow curves. Electrical properties: dielectric loss factor, loss tangent, A.C. conductivity and dielectric constant, method of determination.
Reference Book:
1 Rao, M.A. and Rizvi, S.H., 1995. Engineering Properties of Foods. Marcel Dekker Inc. New York. 2 Singhal OP & Samuel DVK. 2003. Engineering Properties of Biological Materials. Saroj Prakashan. 3 Prentice, J.H. 1984. Measurement in Rheological Properties of Food Stuffs. Elsevier Applied science Pub. Co. Inc. New York. 4 Singhal OP and Samuel DVK. 2003. Engineering Properties of Biological Materials. Saroj Prakasan, New Delhi 5 Serpil S and Servet G S.2005. Physical Properties of Foods. (Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York,
Text Book:
1 Mohesin, N.N. 1980. Physical Properties of Plants & Animals. Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, NewYork. 2 Singhal OP and Samuel DVK. 2003. Engineering Properties of Biological Materials. Saroj Prakashan 3. Rao,M.A.andRizvi,S.H.,1995.EngineeringPropertiesofFoods.MarcelDekkerInc.NewYork