Basic Elements – Types of Electric Drives – factors influencing the choice of electrical drives – heating and cooling curves – power rating - classes of duty
Review of DC motor and Induction motor, Constructional details, principle of operation and mechanical characteristics of synchronous motor, universal motor, servo motor, stepper motor and reluctance motor
Armature and flux control method of D.C shunt motor, starting methods of D.C. motor and three phase induction motor–Electrical braking and its types.
Review of Power devices, Single phase half and full controlled rectifier fed DC drives, Two and four quadrant operation of chopper fed DC drives – Digital control DC motor drive
Single phase voltage regulator fed AC drive, Three phase voltage / frequency controlled AC drive - slip power recovery schemes using inverters – Digital control of induction motor, reluctance motor and stepper motor drives
Reference Book:
1. Metha. V.K. &RohitMetha, "Principle of Electrical Engineering", S.Chand& Co 2012. (UNIT I - III) 2. VedamSubramaniam. "Electric Drives", Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi , 2017. (UNIT I, IV,V) 3. P.S Bimbhra, “Power Electronics”, Khanna Publishers, Pvt Ltd, 2015 (UNIT IV,V) 4. Dubey.G.K. “Fundamental Electrical Drives” 2nd Edition, Narosa Publications, 2017 (UNIT IV, V) 5. Bhattacharya S.K. &Brijinder Singh , "Control of Electrical Machines", New Age International Publishers, 2009. (UNIT I - III)
Text Book:
1. D.P.Kothari and I.J.Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill publishing company ltd, second edition, 2018 (UNIT I-III) 2. S.K.Pillai, “ A First Course on Electrical Drives” New age publishing Ltd, 2016. (UNIT I, IV,V)