Basics of Automation – Industrial automation – Elements – types - PLC introduction - input and output devices of a PLC - PLC basics – basics of PLC programming– Automation cycle – ROI in automation – SLDC – Factory automation - manufacturing automation – process automation – need – difference between various type of automation – benefits of each type
Robot-Basic concepts, Need, Laws of robotics, History, Robot Anatomy, specifications. Robot configurations, cartesian, cylinder, polar and articulate. Robot wrist mechanism, Precision and accuracy of robot. End effector and Grippers, Classification of robot, progressive advancement in robots, anatomy: links, joint and joint notation scheme, degree of freedom, arm configuration, wrist configuration, Human arm characteristics, applications
Selection of motor for automation system, sizing of servo motor for a specific application, importance of sizing, selection of mechanical components, load cycle definition, load inertia and torque calculations, selection of motors, Selection of precision motion components, LM Guide ways, Ball screws, bearings, Types, Selection, from the manufacturer‘s catalogue based on the applications, fixing arrangements and assembly, Material handling systems
PLC introduction, input and output devices of a PLC, PLC basics PLC, basics of PLC programming, Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), Overview, Developer and runtime packages, Architecture, Tools, Tags, Graphics, Alarm logging, Tag logging, Trends Sensors in robot, Touch Sensors, Tactile sensor, Proximity and range sensors. Force sensor, Light sensors, Pressure sensors, Introduction to Machine Vision and Artificial Intelligence, History, Report generation.
Aerospace automation, Industrial applications of robots, Space application of Robots, Robotics in Underwater operations, Defence, Disaster management., Micro and Nanorobots, Future Applications. Cobots in Aviation industry, Latest trends.
Reference Book:
1. R. N Nazar, Theory of Applied Robotics : Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control, Springer; 2nd Ed. 2010. 2. Hutchinson, S., Spong, M. W., Vidyasagar, M. (2020). Robot Modeling and Control. United Kingdom: Wiley. 3. Dawson, D. M., Abdallah, C. T., Lewis, F. L. (2003). Robot Manipulator Control: Theory and Practice. Ukraine: CRC Press. 4. Park, F. C., Lynch, K. M. (2017). Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press
Text Book:
1. John J. Craig, Introduction to Robotics Mechanics and Control, Second Edition, Addison Wesly Longman Inc. International Student edition, 1999. 2. R. K. Mittal and I J Nagrath, Robotics and Control, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2017.