Concept of shear force and Bending Moment-shear force and bending Moment diagrams for cantilever and simply supported beams subjected to point load, uniformly distributed loads, uniformly varying load and their combinations
Theory of simple and pure bending-Bending equation- Section modulus (only for Rectangular, hollow rectangular)- Shear stress distribution for rectangular beam section - Torsion, Combined loading- Beams with axial load- bending and torsion- torsion and tension- bending and shear
Slope and deflection at a section - Double Integration and Macaulay's method for Simply supported, Introduction to determinate and indeterminate structures-Static and kinematic indeterminacies
Short and long columns - Euler's method and its limitation, Types of end conditions of columns-column with both ends hinged - one end fixed other free- both ends fixed- with one end fixed and other hinged, Rankine's formula for columns effect of eccentric loading
Dams, types, stresses at the base width of dams - conditions for the stability of a dam, Minimum base width, and maximum height of a dam- Applications
Reference Book:
1 Jain, A.K., Punmia, B.C., Jain, A.K., (2004). Theory of Structures. Twelfth Edition, Laxmi Publications. 2 Timoshenko,S.P..and D.H. Young, Elements of Strength of Materials, Fifth Edition, East West Press 3 Gere & Thimoshenko (2004), Mechanics of Materials, CBS Publishers & Distributors 4 S.S.Bhavikatti (2012), Engineering Mechanics, New Age International Publishers 5 Yoo, C.H., Lee, S.C. (2011). Stability of Structures: Principles and Applications. Elsevier.
Text Book:
1 R.K.Bansal (2005), Strength of Materials, Laxmi Publications 2 S. Ramamrutham & R.Narayanan (2005), Strength of Materials, Dhanpat Rai publications 3. Garg, S.K. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures. Khanna Pub.