Introduction to Mechanical Engineering (Overview only):Role of Mechanical Engineering in Industries and Society-Emerging Trends and Technologies in different sectors such as Energy, Manufacturing,Automotive,Aerospace,and Marine sectors.
Steam Formation and Application:Modes of heat transfer,Steam formation,Types of steam, Steam properties and applications of steam Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing Systems: Introduction,components of CNC,advantages and applications of CNC,3D printing.
Introduction to IC Engines-Components and working principles,Four Stroke Petrol and Diesel Engines,Application of IC Engines,Performance of IC engines
Principle of refrigeration,Refrigerants and their desirable properties.Working principle of VCR refrigeration system,working principle of room air conditioner &Applications of air Conditioners
9 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles,Components of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles.Advantages and disadvantages of Electric Vehicles (EVs)and Hybrid vehicles.Introduction to Mechatronics and Robotics:open-loop and closed-loop mechatronic systems.Joints &links,Robot anatomy, Applications of Robots in material h and ling,processing and assembly and inspection
Reference Book:
9 An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering,Jonathan Wickert and Kemper Lewis, Third Edition,4,2019 Manufacturing Technology-Foundry,Forming and Welding,P.N.Rao Tata McGraw Hill 3rd Ed.,2019.
Text Book:
Elements of Mechanical Engineering,K R Gopala Krishna,Subhash Publications,2022. Elements of Workshop Technology (Vol.1 and 2),Hazra Choudhry and Nirzar Roy, Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt.Ltd.,2020.