Introduction- Corrosion, Chemical corrosion (Oxidation corrosion), Electrochemical corrosion, Galvanic Series and its importance- Types of electrochemical Corrosion, Corrosion control- Cathodic protection (Sacrificial anodic protection), Impressed current cathodic protection, Corrosion inhibitors, Protective coating-Special Paint-Fire Retardant paint, Electroplating (Au)
Nanomaterials and Bulk materials, Size dependent properties (Optical, Electrical and Mechanical), Sol gel method, Chemical vapour deposition, Solvothermal method, Laser ablation, Carbon nanotubes-Properties and uses, Applications of nanotechnology in Electronics, Energy science and Medicine, Nanomaterials and Bulk materials
Fuels- Solid Fuel-Coal-classification, Manufacture of metallagurical coke by Otto-Hoffmann method, Liquid Fuel–-Synthetic petrol, Fischer and Bergius method, Gaseous fuels- CNG and LPG, Bio fuels: Categories, Types –Biodiesel, Biogas, Combustion-Calorific value-Gross and Net calorific value
Introduction-Hard water and soft water, Hardness –Types, Boiler Troubles, Water Softening – External Treatment-Demineralization, Internal Treatment, Water Quality parameters (pH,TDS,Chloride, Fluoride, Sulphate, Iron, BOD, COD and Heavy metals), Municipal water treatment, Desalination –Reverse osmosis.
Alloys-classification- Ferrous alloys (Nichrome and stainless steel only), Non-ferrous alloys (brass and bronze), Heat treatment of steel, Definition of light metals, Characteristics and applications of light metals, Super alloys, Lubricants –Solid lubricants (Graphite and Molybdenum disulphide )- Mechanism of Lubrications, Cement – Portland cement-Chemical composition of Portland cement.
Reference Book:
1. B. Sivasankar “Engineering Chemistry” Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd, New Delhi (2009). 2. B. S. Murty, P. Shankar, Baldev Raj, B. B. Rath and James Murday, “Text book of nanoscience and nanotechnology”, Universities Press-IIM Series in Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2018 3.Dr.Sivanesan and Nandagopal, “Engineering Chemistry-I” V.K.Pub.Pvt.Ltd. 2011. 4. Shikha Agarwal, Engineering Chemistry-Fundamentals and Applications, Cambridge University Press, Delhi, Second Edition, 2019. 5.Dara, S.S.; A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry (Tenth edition); S. Chand, 2003
Text Book:
1. P. C. Jain and Monica Jain, Engineering Chemistry, 17th Edition, DhanpatRai Publishing Company (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2018 2. Wiley, “Engineering Chemistry”, John Wiley &Sins .InC, USA (2014]