Subject Details
Dept     : MECH
Sem      : 6
Regul    : R2019
Faculty : Mr.A.Vetrivel
phone  : NIL
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  • Youtube Video

    Dear Students, the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>What is management? Concept of Management, Levels of management (animated video)</br>Levels Of Management from Principles of Management Subject</br>Management Process | Functions of Management process</br>Difference between management and administration</br>Frederick Taylor Scientific Management</br>14 Principles of Management - Henri Fayol</br>Types of Planning in Management | Types of Plan| Planning Function | Functions of Management</br>What is Planning, Meaning, Definition by author's, Nature, Scope, Importance and process of planning</br>Management| planning |Planning meaning definition nature</br>MBO (Management By Objectives) English Lecture</br>Policy Implementation Explained | 8 Important Tips To Improve Public Policy Implementation | Video</br>Meaning and features of financial forecasting | Financial Forecasting</br>Organization principles | Principles of Organization</br>The Features of Organizations: What an Organization Needs</br>What is Departmentation? | Departmentalization</br>Span of Management - Explanation in English | Principles of Management | Sakthi's Knowledge Hub| SKH</br>Centralization & Decentralization - Explanation in English|Sakthi's Knowledge Hub|SKH</br>Write an essay on centralisation and decentralisation in english</br>The Nature and Concept of Staffing</br>Staffing Process - I</br>Directing Meaning, Features and Importance's</br>F.W Taylor and Henry Fayol 14 Principles, Management is Science or an Art, Principles of Management.</br>How To Manage Your Time More Effectively | 8 Time Management Tips For Students | ChetChat TimeBoxing</br>Event Management</br>Co ordination - Features, Techniques</br>Theories of leadership</br>Controlling - Concept, Process & Techniques</br>Types of communication explained with proper examples</br>What is Management Information System (MIS)