Management: Definition - Evolution of Management Studies –Nature, Functions, Levels and role of management - Basic Principles and Process of Management - Management vs. Administration – Taylor & Fayol’s contribution to Management - Role of Managers - Current trends and issues in Management.
Planning: Basic types of planning – Characteristics of a good plan- Features - Planning processPlanning Tools and Techniques - Obstacles in planning - MBO, Policy - Policy formulation - Types of policies - Forecasting, Process, Importance – Decision making process
Organization: Need - forms of organization - features of a good organization. Departmentation – manuals – delegation of authority and responsibility - centralization and decentralization.Career planning and management.
Staffing: Meaning, Nature, Need, and Process. Directing - Characteristics, Importance and Techniques of directing - Coordination - Need for coordination leadership – types and theories of leadership
Concept of Control – Importance of control- Essentials of control system - Process of control – Communication - Process of Communication - Types - Barriers - Management Information Systems - Reporting.
Reference Book:
1. Stephen.P.Robbins, Mary coulter, NeharikaVohra ‘Management’, 10th Edition, TataMcGraw Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi (2010). 2. Glyn James, ‘Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics’, Third edition-Pearson Education (2011). 3. VSP Rao, V.Hari Krishna, ‘Management, Excel Books (2010). 4. Dr.Kumkum Mukherjee, ‘Principles of Management, 2nd Edition, Tata McGrawHill, (2009). 5. Charles W.L. Hill, Steven Lattimore McShane ‘Principles of Management, 2nd Edition, Tata McGrawHill, (2008).
Text Book:
1. Harold Koontz, and Weihrich, ‘Essential of Management’ 8th Edition, Tata Mc Gra Hill Education, Delhi, (2010). 2. Tripathy.P.C and Reddy.P.N., ‘Higher Principles of Management’ Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi (2011).