Introduction to cereal grains, legumes and oilseeds: Structure and composition of cereal grains, legumes and oilseeds
Supply chain of food grains, Hydrothermal treatment of grains
Supply chain of food grains, Hydrothermal treatment of grains
Cereal based fermented products, breakfast cereal foods -flaked, puffed, expanded, extruded and shredded products etc.
Corn-milling (wet and dry), cornflakes.
Barely-Milling, Malting, Processing of beer
Barely-Milling, Malting, Processing of beer
Oats- Milling (oatmeal, oat flour & oat flakes). Sorghum, Pearl Millet, finger millet- Milling
Oats- Milling (oatmeal, oat flour & oat flakes). Sorghum, Pearl Millet, finger millet- Milling
Paddy processing and rice milling; milling machines
Conventional milling; modern milling; milling operations
Conventional milling; modern milling; milling operations
Milling efficiency. Quality characteristics influencing final milled products
Milling of rice types; huller mill, sheller-cum-cone polisher mill
Modern rice milling unit operation-dehusking, paddy separating, polishing and grading
Factors affecting rice yield during milling
Wheat classification, Structure of wheat grain
Wheat milling soft and durum wheat processing
Wheat milling soft and durum wheat processing
Turbo grinding and air-classification
Turbo grinding and air-classification