Question Bank
Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Tutorial, </br>Tutorial
Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Algebraic systems , </br>Semi groups and monoids , </br>Groups, </br>Subgroups , </br>Homomorphism’s , </br>Normal subgroup and cosets, </br>Lagrange’s theorem, </br>Partial ordering – Posets , </br>Lattices as posets, </br>Properties of lattices, </br>Lattices as algebraic systems , </br>Sub lattices, </br>Direct product and homomorphism , </br>Some special lattices , </br>Boolean algebra
Resource Link
Dear Students the Resource Link has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Discrete Mathematics
Assignment topic is Discrete Mathematics - Logics and Proofs and due date is 11-09-2024.
Dear Students Syllabus Lecture Notes Reference Videos Question Bank NPTEL Course Videos have been uploaded Make the Best use of it
Dear Students the Puzzles has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Tutorial/Practice Hour
Youtube Video
Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Discrete Mathematics
Question Bank
Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Tutorial/Practice Hour
Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Propositional Logic, </br>Propositional equivalences, </br>Predicates and Quantifiers, </br>Nested Quantifiers, </br>Rules of inference, </br>Introduction to proofs, </br>Propositional Logic, </br>Mathematical induction, </br>Strong induction and well ordering , </br>The basics of counting - Pigeonhole principle, </br>Solving linear recurrence relations , </br>Permutations and combinations , </br>Graphs and graph models , </br>Graph terminology and special types of graphs , </br>Matrix representation of graphs and graph isomorphism, </br>Euler and Hamilton paths