Subject Details
Dept     : AIML
Sem      : 3
Regul    : 2023
Faculty : Ms.A.Aruna
phone  : NIL
E-mail  :
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  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Data Types - Variables, </br>Operations

  • Resource Link

    Dear Students the Resource Link has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Java</br>Java Programming

  • Youtube Video

    Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>UNIT1 NPTEL- Introduction</br>NPTEL - Java Programming Steps

  • Puzzles

    Dear Students the Puzzles has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Introduction to OOPS

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Object Oriented Programming concepts, </br>Evolution of java , </br>Java Architecture, </br>Data Types - Variables

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Inheritance - Super class - Sub class, </br>Method Overloading, </br>Abstract class , </br>this keyword – Final Keyword , </br>Packages , </br>Interfaces

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Introduction to object and Classes

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is Certification Course and due date is 22-10-2024.

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is programs in Unit I and Unit 2 and due date is 08-11-2024.

  • Question Bank

    Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Programs in UNIT 2 and 3

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Array

  • Puzzles

    Dear Students the Puzzles has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>basic programs

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Accesses Specifiers, </br>Methods and Attributes, </br>Constructor - Default, </br>Constructor - Parameterized & Copy, </br>Garbage Collection

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Thread control and priorities , </br>Thread synchronization, </br>Inter-thread communication

  • Puzzles

    Dear Students the Puzzles has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Basic Programs

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Environment setup , </br>Command Line Arguments , </br>Comments, </br>Control structures – Selection Statements, </br>Control structures – Iteration and Jump Statements

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>Exception handling , </br>Exception types , </br>try catch and finally block, throws , </br>Runtime exception , </br>Introduction to Multithreading , </br>Thread Creation

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is CONTROL STATEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTORS and due date is 23-09-2024.

  • Question Bank

    Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>UNIT 1_PART A, </br>UNIT 1_PART B

  • Puzzles

    Dear Students the Puzzles has been uploaded for the following topics:</br>operators