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Object Oriented Programming concepts – Evolution of java – Java Architecture – Data Types – Variables and Operations – Environment setup – Command Line Arguments - Comments. Programs: 1. Write a program to solve problems using data types, variable and operators. 2. Write a program and Use Command line arguments to display messages like CSE SNSCT Coimbatore & adding numbers etc
Control structures – Arrays - Objects and classes: Classes – Access Specifiers – methods and attributes - constructors: Default Constructor – Parameterized Constructor – Copy Constructor- Garbage collection. Programs: 1. Write a program to Solve problems using Control structures with array concept. 2. Write a programs using class and constructors.
Inheritance- Super class - Sub class – Types of inheritance – Method Overloading - Method Overriding – Abstract class - this keyword – Final Keyword - Packages - Interfaces. Programs: 1. Write a Programs that engaging inheritance. 2. Write a Programs using method overloading and packages.
Exception handling –Exception types – try catch and finally block, throws –Runtime exception – Introduction to Multithreading - Thread Creation – Thread control and priorities - Thread synchronization, Inter-thread communication. Programs: 1. Write programs to solve problems using the concept of Exception Handling 2. Write a program solve problems using the concept of Multithreading
Introduction to IO – Console Operation – File Operation – Objects Serialization –Introduction to JavaScript- basics and functions – JavaScript objects – JavaScript Validation- JDBS Connectivity. Programs: 1. Write a program to perform file operations like copying file, transferring etc. 2. Create a Simple GUI application with JDBC Connection.
Reference Book:
R1: Introduction to Java Programming (Seventh Edition -Comprehensive Version), Daniel Liang, Pearson, 2009. R2 : Programming in Java (Revised 2nd Edition), Sachin Malhotra & Saurabh Chaudhary, Oxford University Press, 2011
Text Book:
T1: Java: The Complete Reference (Eleventh Edition), Herbert Schildt, TMH, 2018.