Purpose of Database System, Views of data
Database Management system - Three-schema architecture of DBMS
Entity-Relationship Model
Conceptual data modeling - motivation
Entities, entity types, attributes, relationships
E/R diagram notations, Examples
E/R diagram notations, Examples
Relational Data Model - keys, referential integrity and foreign keys
SQL fundamentals - Introduction, data definition in SQL
Table, key and foreign key definitions, update behaviors
CASE Studies- Oracle:Database Design and Querying Tools; SQL Variations and Extensions
First, Second Normal Forms
Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form
Dependency Preservation –Boyce/Codd Normal Form
Multi-valued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form
Dependencies and Normal forms - Functional Dependencies
Armstrong's axioms for FD's
Closure of a set of FD's, minimal covers
Closure of a set of FD's, minimal covers