Introduction: Services Marketing
Understanding Service Characteristics
Classification of Services
Classification of Services
Trends in Service Marketing
Tutorial 1: Choose a service company and show how each of the 8 Ps of integrated service management principles applies.
Consumer Behavior in Services
Consumer Behavior in Services
Consumer Behavior in Services
Tutorial 2: Give examples of durable and non-durable benefits in services.
Service Market Segmentation
Service Market Segmentation
Importance of Branding Service Products
Brand name Policies and Decisions
Brand Development for Existing Service Products
Tutorial 1: Adaptability is the key success in Services Marketing
Tutorial 2: Visit of the hotels in your town and find out what value addition or augmented services the hotel provide to its guests.
Service Blueprint Components in Designing
Tutorial 3: A business plan is a blueprint for profitable business - Discuss.
Tutorial 4: Review the blueprint of the restaurant experiences.
Service Quality Dimensions & Measuring Service Quality
Tutorial 1:A service culture built on trust
GAP Model of Service Quality
SERVQUAL & Complaint Handling
Tutorial 2: Visit the websites of different services companies and understand their process of services.
Recovery management & Service Guarantees.
Services Delivery Channels
Tutorial 3: List the basic functions performed be a service delivery point.
Pricing of Services & it’s Methods
Service Marketing Strategies for Healthcare
Service Marketing Strategies for Agriculture & Food Technology
Tutorial 1: List the importance of the physical evidence in health care industry.
Service Marketing Strategies for Automobile
Tutorial 2: Discuss the current scenario of the automobile industry
Service Marketing Strategies for Aerospace
Service Marketing Strategies for Financial
Service Marketing Strategies for Educational
Service Marketing Strategies for Power Entertainment
Tutorial 4: Analyze the opportunities available to a new company entering the media marketing service industry.
Service Marketing Strategies for Public Utility Information Technique Services
Global perspective of services Marketing.
Human Resources in Services: An Asset Worthy of investment.